How to Lower Your Blood Pressure |

When you find that your blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or higher than this reading, yous take to know that you may be at risk because this blood pressure reading means that yous suffer from hypertension or what is called loftier blood pressure. Suffering from loftier blood pressure, which is a chronic medical condition, means that the blood pressure level is elevated in the arteries of your body. Ignoring such a medical condition may lead to other problems which are more serious and can even result in death. There are several medicines that can protect you from other serious problems that are caused by high blood pressure such as stroke and eye assault, simply what most solving this trouble without medicines? In fact, medicines are not always the only solution for curing unlike diseases and solving dissimilar health bug as there are other ways that are associated with our lifestyle and can help us to improve our wellness. Here are piece of cake tips that tin help y'all to amend your health and lower your blood pressure.

♦ Losing weight

Gaining weight usually leads to several problems that affect the health of our body in general and our eye in detail. And so, it is essential for y'all to lose weight since it tin help you to lower blood pressure and it also allows you to make the claret force per unit area medicines that you lot take more constructive. You accept to go the needed advice from your doctor to lose weight safely without affecting your wellness or causing problems. Measuring waistline is also important and the healthy measurement is nether 35 inches for women and nether twoscore inches for men.

♦ Doing exercises

Exercising is the only solution for yous to burn fat and lower your blood pressure. It volition brand yous healthier and will protect you from other serious problems that are caused by loftier blood pressure. You do non have to do difficult exercises to burn down fatty every bit at that place are easy exercises that you can do such every bit chores and even walking that help yous to fire fat without getting tired.

♦ Eating healthy food

The food that you eat is one of the main factors that are responsible for changing claret pressure in your body. In club to decrease your blood pressure level, you have to eat healthy nutrient which is depression in saturated fat and cholesterol. Instead of eating unhealthy food, opt for fruits, vegetable and dairy products which are low in fat or practise non comprise fatty at all.

♦ Eating pocket-size portions

Instead of eating one or ii meals in large portions, you tin can consume several meals throughout the solar day and reduce the size of portions that yous take. This will assistance y'all to lower blood force per unit area and will also allow y'all to avoid gaining more weight.

♦ No for table salt

Salt is the enemy of those who endure from loftier blood pressure and this is why it is essential for you lot to reduce your sodium intake to be lower than 2,300 mg a day. The older you are, the less amount of salt you accept to consume. Those who are older than 51 years onetime should consume less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day.

♦ Too much alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol is dangerous for those who are healthy, so y'all can imagine what volition happen to you if you drinkable too much alcohol. Drinking booze plays an important role in raising blood pressure level and this is why yous have to reduce the corporeality of alcohol that you consume to be less than 21 units of booze for men per week and 14 units of alcohol for women a calendar week.

♦ Relax

There is no need to increase your stress because the more stress you suffer from, the higher your blood pressure level will be. And so, endeavor to relax and avert stress as much as possible to protect your life and reduce the take chances of experiencing other bug that result from high blood pressure.

♦ Other tips

Eat night chocolate for getting elastic blood vessels, drink most 3 cups of hibiscus tea, reduce the hours of work at part to be less than 41 hours per week, finish loud snoring and consume more than foods which are rich in soy or milk poly peptide.


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